Dishes and wines from traditional Brescian gastronomy.
Our kitchen, led by Rosa and Manuela, offers typical dishes based on game or mushrooms, with cheeses and local products, all complemented by excellent local wines. Miriam and Matteo pamper the guests and advise them on their choices. An absolute must are our famous gnocchi with porcini mushrooms!
The hotel bar serves excellent cocktails, aperitifs, cold drinks and all the typical grappa of the area: blueberry grappa, wild strawberry grappa, dry and soft grappa and mountain liqueurs. The bar also offers a variety of hot drinks such as delicious hot chocolates, cappuccinos, house coffee, Vin Brulè, bombardini.
For the hungry there are snacks based on platters of cold cuts, melted cheese and polenta.
House coffee
Historical recipe devised by the Rambaldini family, composed of several alcoholic drinks combined with espresso coffee… a mix of unique and inimitable secrets!!! Come and enjoy our house coffee!
Mountaineer’s Gatorade
Mix of red wine and soda for an instant recovery after your walks.